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Weighted Holistic Invariant Molecular Descriptors[16,17,18,19]

WHIM descriptors are based on statistical indices calculated on the projections of atoms along principal axes ($\mathbf{t}_m$). The aim is to capture 3D information regarding size, shape, symmetry and atom distributions with respect to invariant reference frames.

The algorithm essentially carries out a PCA on the centered cartesian coordinates of a molecule by using a weighted covariance matrix:

s_{jk} = \frac{\sum^{A}_{i=1} w_i \cdot (q_{ij} - \overline{q}_j)
\cdot (q_{ik} -
\overline{q}_k)}{\sum^{A}_{i=1} w_i}

where $s_{jk}$ is the weighted covariance between the j'th and k'th atomic coordinates, $A$ is the number of atoms, $w_i$ is the weight of the i'th atom and $q_{ij}$ & $q_{ik}$ represent the j'th and k'th coordinate ($j,k = x,y,z$) of the i'th atom and $\overline{q}$ is the corresponding average value.

The weighted covariance matrix is obtained from different weighting schemes for the atoms. Size schemes are proposed

  1. The unweighted case where $w_i = 1$
  2. atomic mass
  3. van der Waals volume
  4. Sanderson atomic electronegativity
  5. atomic polarizability
  6. electrotopological state indices
Depending on the weighting scheme different covariances matrices and hence different principal axes are obtained. Essentially the WHIM descriptors provide a variety of principal axes with respect to a defined atomic property. For each weighting scheme, a set of statistical indices are calculated on the atoms projected onto the principal axes (ie principal components).

Directional WHIM descriptors

directional WHIM descriptors - these are univariate statistical indices calculated on the scores of the individual prinicpal components This for each weighting scheme we get a set of 11 directional whim descriptors ($v_3$ is excluded since it is a linear combination of $v_1$ and $v_2$) giving a total of 66 directional WHIM descriptors

Global WHIM descriptors

These are calculated by combining the directional WHIM descriptors Thus for each weighting scheme there are 5 global WHIM descriptors plus the 3 symmetry descriptors giving a total of 33 global WHIM descriptors.

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