I am currently a research scientist at the NIH Chemical Genomics Center working on a variety of problems related to small molecule and RNAi screening. The work ranges from medicinal chemistry support to development of cheminformatics tools and models.

Prior to this I was a visiting Assistant Professor in the School of Informatics at the Indiana University working on cheminformatics and chemical datamining problems.

My main areas of interest are QSAR methodology development,chemical data mining and cheminformatics approaches to bioinformatics problems. In addition to investigating and developing methodologies, I am also active in a number of cheminformatics related software development efforts including web services, databases (here and here) and toolkits. See here for a more detailed description of my research.

Previously I have been involved in the the development of predictive QSAR models for biological endpoints as well as development of model validation & interpretation methods. Both these areas make extensive use of various statistical methods ranging from linear regression to neural networks and random forests. For a formal description of my academic career, check out my CV (PDF).

I'm also a Scrabble addict. I usually play online at the ISC server using the nick jijog

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