# This is a sample PBS script. It will request 2 processors each on 8 nodes # for 4 hours. # # Request 16 processors over 8 nodes # #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2 # # Request 48 hours of walltime # #PBS -l walltime=48:00:00 # # Request the queue called qsar # #PBS -q qsar # # Request that regular output and terminal output go to the same file # #PBS -j oe # # The name that will be displayed in a qstat listing #PBS -N jobname # # The following is the body of the script. By default, # PBS scripts execute in your home directory, not the # directory from which they were submitted. The following # line places you in the directory from which the job # was submitted. # cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR # # Now the actual job # echo " " echo " " echo "Job started on `hostname` at `date`" /home/rxg218/bin/ksom echo " " echo "Job Ended at `date`" echo " "