[shm] info=Scoreboard. Requried for reconfiguration and status with multiprocess servers. file=anon # Defines a load balancer named lb. Use even if you only have one machine. [lb:lb] # Example socket channel, override port and host. [channel.socket:blue.chem.psu.edu:8009] port=8009 host=blue.chem.psu.edu # define the worker [ajp13:blue.chem.psu.edu:8009] channel=channel.socket:blue.chem.psu.edu:8009 group=lb # Map the Tomcat examples webapp to the Web server uri space [uri:/axis/*] group=lb [status:] info=Status worker, displays runtime information [uri:/jkstatus/*] info=The Tomcat /jkstatus handler group=status: